Strings functions

Functions in the strings module


strings.concat(sub: string, ...) -> string

concat combines multiple strings together in order. This could be be used later by other string comparisons or list lookups.


strings.concat("no-reply", "") -> "[email protected]"
strings.concat(null, "") -> null
strings.concat(, "") -> "[email protected]"

// Escaped email in a URL (@ escapes to %40)
strings.concat(, "%40",

contains / icontains

strings.contains(source: string, substring: string) -> bool
strings.icontains(source: string, substring: string) -> bool

contains is used to check if one string contains a specific substring. contains performs a case-sensitive substring search, but icontains is case-insensitive. These strings can be literal strings, fields, or values from functions.

If either string is null, then contains and icontains will return null.


strings.contains("[email protected]", "") -> true
strings.contains("[email protected]", "@sublime") -> true
strings.contains("[email protected]", "@SuBLiMe") -> false
strings.icontains("[email protected]", "@SuBLiMe") -> true
strings.icontains("[email protected]", null) -> null

count / icount

strings.count(source: string, substring: string) -> bool
strings.icount(source: string, substring: string) -> bool

count is used to count the number of occurrences of a substring within another string. count only counts case-senstive occurrences but icount counts all case-insensitive occurences. These strings can be literal strings, fields, or values from functions.

If either string is null, then count and icount will return null.


strings.count("An example string to search", " ") -> 4
strings.count("Banana nana nana", "na") -> 6
strings.icount("BaNaNa NaNa NaNa", "NANA") -> 6

ends_with / iends_with

strings.ends_with(source: string, suffix: string) -> bool
strings.iends_with(source: string, suffix: string) -> bool

ends_with is used to check if one string has a specific suffix. ends_with performs a case-sensitive suffix check, but iends_with is case-insensitive. These strings can be literal strings, fields, or values from functions.

If either string is null, then contains and icontains will return null.


strings.ends_with("[email protected]", "") -> true
strings.ends_with("[email protected]", "@sublime") -> false
strings.ends_with("[email protected]", "") -> false
strings.iends_with("[email protected]", "") -> true
strings.iends_with("[email protected]", null) -> null

like / ilike string, pattern: string, ...) -> bool
strings.ilike(input: string, pattern: string, ...) -> bool

like is used to match a string against a list of predefined wildcard patterns. like performs a case-sensitive match against the entire string, but ilike is case-insensitive. Use wildcard characters to represent unknown substrings:

  • * is a placeholder for a string of any length, including empty strings
  • ? is a placeholder for a single character within the string

Remember that like and ilike are evaluated against the entire string. To look for a substring, wrap it in *, such as strings.ilike(body.plain.raw, "*password*"), or use strings.icontains(body.plain.raw, "password").

If input is null, then like and ilike will always return null.

Examples"[email protected]", "*") -> true

# use ilike for case-insensitive matches"[email protected]", "*") -> false
strings.ilike("[email protected]", "*") -> true

# if multiple wildcard patterns are specified, only one needs to match"[email protected]", "*@*.org", "*@*.com", "*@*.gov") -> true

# use ? to match exactly 1 unknown character"[email protected]", "[email protected]") -> true"[email protected]", "[email protected]") -> false

levenshtein / ilevenshtein

levenshtein(a: string, b: string) -> integer
ilevenshtein(a: string, b: string) -> integer

levenshtein is used to calculate the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings. The returned value is equal to the minimum number of character operations (deletion, insertion, substitution) required to transform one string into the other. levenshtein finds the case-sensitive distance between the two strings, but ilevenshtein is case-insensitive.

strings.levenshtein('Bat', 'bot') -> 2
strings.ilevenshtein('Bat', 'bot') -> 1

starts_with / istarts_with

strings.starts_with(source: string, prefix: string) -> bool
strings.istarts_with(source: string, prefix: string) -> bool

starts_with is used to check if one string has a specific prefix. istarts_with performs a case-sensitive prefix check, but iends_with is case-insensitive. These strings can be literal strings, fields, or values from functions.

If either string is null, then contains and icontains will return null.


strings.starts_with("[email protected]", "no-reply") -> true
strings.starts_with("[email protected]", "@sublime") -> false
strings.starts_with("[email protected]", "No-Reply") -> false
strings.istarts_with("[email protected]", "No-Reply") -> true
strings.istarts_with("[email protected]", null) -> null