Add an IMAP message source


To add an IMAP message source for your Gmail or Google Workspace account, you need to:

  1. Be sure IMAP is enabled for your account.
  2. Create an app password.


2-Step Verification Required

You must have 2-Step Verification enabled on your Google account in order to create an app password for the IMAP integration.

To enable 2-Step Verification, see Turn on 2-Step Verification.


Advanced Protection

App passwords are not supported if Google Advanced Protection is enabled, and menu option will be missing to generate. To learn more visit:

Enabling IMAP for your account

  1. Sign into your Gmail account
  2. Click Settings on the top right, then "See all settings"
  3. Click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" sub-menu, then "Enable IMAP"
  4. Save changes
Gif showing Gmail's "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" settings where the IMAP setting is switched from "disabled" to "enabled".

Creating an app password

  1. Head to your Gmail account's app passwords page.
    1. You can alternatively go to the "Manage your Google Account" section and utilize the Search feature to look up "App passwords".
  2. To create a new app password, enter "Sublime Platform" in the app name field and click the "Create" button.
Gif showing the app passwords section of the Gmail settings. "Sublime Platform" app password is created.
  1. Once you've created an app password, enter it into the IMAP / App Password field in Sublime when creating the IMAP message source.

Microsoft 365

To add an IMAP message source for your Microsoft 365 account, you need to:

  1. Be sure IMAP is enabled for your account.
  2. Create an app password, if and only if you're using two-step verification with your Microsoft 365 account.

Enabling IMAP for your account


Microsoft 365 administrator required

You'll need to be a Microsoft 365 administrator to follow these steps. If you're not a Microsoft 365 administrator, we recommend skipping this step, attempting to add the message source, and reaching out to your Microsoft 365 administrator for assistance if you receive a signin error when attempting to add the message source.

  1. Sign into the Microsoft 365 admin center at
  2. In the lefthand menu, go to Users > Active Users
  3. Search for your user and click the matching row
  4. In the righthand drawer that opens up, click the Mail tab
  5. Under Email apps, click Manage email apps

  1. Check the box next to IMAP and click the Save changes button

Creating an app password


You only need to create an app password if you're using two-step verification with your Microsoft 365 account.

The pre-requisites are as follows:

  1. "Manage email apps" is enabled in M365 admin interface
  2. "Authenticated SMTP" is enabled for the user
  3. In Entra admin center: "Allow users to create app passwords" is enabled under Per-user multifactor authentication settings

Creating the Password

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft 365 account
  2. Go to Security Info settings
  3. Select "Add sign-in method"
  4. Choose "App password"
  5. Name your app password (e.g., "Sublime Email Alerts")
  6. Copy the generated password and enter it in the Sublime SMTP configuration

Custom IMAP servers


If your IMAP server’s capabilities include SPECIAL-USE as defined by RFC 6154, the Sublime Platform will assume that these special use folders are properly configured to adhere to the attributes on the mailbox. For example, when the SPECIAL-USE capability is enabled, Sublime will treat folders with the \All attribute as a virtual mailbox containing all incoming mail, and will not ingest mail from any other folders in that mailbox.